Wednesday, July 11, 2007

New Releases

In a couple of weeks I'll play a sampler of new(ish) releases. In the meantime, here's a little list, not including the CDs mentioned in the Tony Award week.

Hairspray the film version of the musical... which was once a film. This is the John Travolta one.
Infertility the Musical. "Hard to Conceive" is right. This off-Broadway show recording sounds like a hoot.
Barbara Cook: No One is Alone. Barbara Cook still has a lovely voice, and I love her renditions of songs.
Face the Music, 2007 Encores! I love the Encores concert series, and this time they've unearthed an Irving Berlin diamond in the rough.
The Pirate Queen. You liked Riverdance? You liked Les Miserables? Critics didn't but audiences are still liking this Celtic tale based on a real-life Irish ship captain who defied Queen E.
Legally Blonde the new movical

And Andrew Lloyd Webber's company is remastering several CDs for release.
Beautiful Game, the 2000 Andrew Lloyd Webber soccer musical. I've heard good things about this score, set against the turmoil of Northern Ireland.
Starlight Express, the 1992 London Cast Recording (and to many people, the only recording worth hearing because it doesn't have De Barge on it)
Song and Dance, the 1984 London cast with Sarah Brightman

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